Die nächste Interkulturelle Woche findet vom

22. September bis 29. September 2024

in Naumburg (Saale) statt.

Im Moment werden wieder viele interessante Veranstaltungen geplant. Seien Sie gespannt!

New spaces!

Intercultural Week - that has always meant:

Creating new spaces, opening, showing - and also demanding, protecting and defending.

New spaces for meeting and exchanging, for laughing together and thinking together, for debate and coming together.

2024 setzen wir unseren Fokus auf eben diese Räume und ihre vielen Überlagerungen. Und wir sind gespannt! Which rooms are in the foreground for you? And which rooms at the individual events?

The common motto leaves a lot of free space and at the same time creates a connection - between the diverse ideas and opportunities that you bring to the streets, the squares and the houses. And into the minds and hearts of the people.

Everything revolves around meeting

The IKW creates spaces throughout the country to meet anew, to get to know each other, to understand each other and to network.

We call for spaces to be opened, shown and shared.

But we also want to encourage people to challenge, plan and question spaces.

Meeting needs space!